
Bitbar Cloud API Client for JavaScript

License: MIT Build Status

This repository contains official Bitbar Cloud API Client for JavaScript. Smartbear's Bitbar Cloud hosts hundreds of Android and iOS devices, enabling users to create and test high quality mobile apps and games.

PLEASE NOTE, that project is under development (versions is below 1.0.0). Because of that not all resources are implemented and/or tested. List of working resources can be found here.

This package is using UMD pattern, so it means that you can use it:

  • in Node.js project

  • browser running project

    • without AMD
    • with AMD

The syntax of the library is heavily inspired by the Chai HTTP syntax. Understanding the following general concepts will allow you to quickly learn the syntax

Most methods in library is chainable. That's means that you don't need to write long code like:

var meRef = apiClient.me();
var projectRef = me.project(1);
var runRef = project.run(2);

Rather it was designed to use it this way:


Example: API resource to download list of device sessions of run with ID 10 in project with ID 20 will be:

GET https://cloud.bitbar.com/api/me/projects/20/runs/10/device-sessions

First part is /me (/api doesn't count because it's "directory" where API is stored). So:


Second is /projects, but next is the ID, so method will be in singular form:


Third is /runs, but again - there is the ID, so (again) singular form:


Last one is /device-dessions. Because it's kebab-case, we need to transform it to camelCase:


Now, because GET method is default one in axios, then we don't need to explicit set it (but you can if you want). So what's left is to send it:


Now that you know how to build a chaining call you probably will want to e.g. set params, or set data to send. All classes are documented so it should be easy to read docs from code.

If resource chain ends on method that is singular (so in Swagger it returns single object) then it's descendant of APIResource. It means that you can use all methods that are there.

If resource chain ends on method that is plural (so in Swagger it returns list) then it's descendant of APIList. It means that you can use all methods that are there.

Both APIResource and APIList are children of APIEntity.

HTTP methods are also methods.

  • If you want to send GET request then add to your chain .get().
  • If you want to send POST request then add to your chain .post().
  • If you want to send DELETE request then add to your chain .delete().

Method .send() is sending request and returning Promise. With this kind of approach you can chain all you want. When you are ready, then just call .send().

npm install @bitbar/cloud-api-client --save
const CloudApiClient = require('@bitbar/cloud-api-client');

const apiClient = new CloudApiClient.API({
cloudUrl: 'https://cloud.bitbar.com',

apiClient.me().send().then( (resp) => {
}).catch( (err) => {
requirejs(['cloud-api-client'], function (CloudApiClient) {
var api = new CloudApiClient.API({
cloudUrl: 'https://cloud.bitbar.com',
<!-- note that this is URL to version 0.8.0 -- please check which version is latest -->
<script src="https://github.com/bitbar/cloud-api-client-js/releases/download/v0.8.0/cloud-api-client.min.js"></script>
var api = new CloudApiClient.API({
cloudUrl: 'https://cloud.bitbar.com',

Simple examples are placed in examples directory


npm run lint
npm run test
npm run build

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details